NLR Online Exhibitions

WWI Postcards

Significant and Anxious Days

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  1. Imperial Manifesto. Pg.: Partnership by A.S. Suvorin, 1914. Autotype.
    2-6. From a series of postcards. Pg .: Printing house "Modern Art", between 1914 and 1917. Chromolithography.
  2. ……The enemy must be broken <…>.
  3. Everything for the War!
  4. …We Must Break this Many-headed German Snake <…>.
  5. Remember the Fighting Brother.
  6. Fatherland Needs Your Help! (See in the Digital Library)
  7. Russian Flags. Pg.: Community of St. Eugenia, 1914. Chromolithography. (See in the Digital Library)
  8. Speech of the Sovereign Emperor to the Members of the State Council and the State Duma at a Reception in the Winter Palace on Julyо 26, 1914. Pg.: Partnership Artistic Press, 1914. Autotype. (See in the Digital Library)
  9. Speech of the Sovereign Emperor on August 5, 1914 in the Moscow Kremlin Palace. Pg.: Partnership Artistic Press, 1914. Autotype.
  10. Tsar and the People. <…>. The flag, a symbol of the unity of the tsar with the people. Pg.: Society "People's benefit", 1914. Chromolithography.