NLR Online Exhibitions

WWI Postcards


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1-3. From the series "From the Theater of War". Moscow: D.Khromov and M.Bahrakh, between 1914 and 1917. Phototype.


  1. Aviator Nesterov before the Fatal Flight.
  2. Aviation Squad.
  3. Report Dropped by a Reconnaissance Aviator.
    4-6. From a series of postcards. Meadows: G.V.Gruzintsev, 1917. Phototype.
  4. Throwing Bombs by our Pilots at the Germans. (See in the Digital Library)
  5. Lifting a Kite Balloon. (See in the Digital Library)
  6. Photographing German Positions from an Airplane.
  7. Deed of the Russian Pilot Nesterov. Moscow: A.N.G., [between 1914 and 1917]. Colour autotype. (See in the Digital Library)
  8. Shooting at an Airplane. Pg.: Publishing House of the Ladies' Circle of the Petrograd Military Medical School, 1916. Phototype. (From the series "Second Patriotic War, 1914-1915-1916"). (See in the Digital Library)