Brailovskaya R.N. Citizens of Moscow, dress the refugees. Moscow: A.A. Levenson Printshop, 1915. Chromolithography.
Vinogradov S.A. Russian prisoners of war are waiting for our help. 31 October - 1 November 1915. Moscow: A.A. Levenson Printshop, 1915. Lithograph.
Klever K. Society "Help Victims of the War" organizes a fundraiser "Oak Leaf Day" on August 30-31, 1915, to help refugees and children - victims of the war. Moscow: Type-lithography of I.N. Kushnerev and Co. Partnership, 1915. Autotype.
Kovykov A.S. Save the life of a war hero. Moscow: Typo-lithography of I.N. Kushnerev and Co., 1915. Phototype. (See in the Digital Library)
Korovin K.A. Donate to the victims of war. Moscow: A.A. Levenson Printshop, 1914. Chromolithograph..
Kravchenko A.I. "For the soldiers." Free teahouse for lower ranks arriving from the front.Petrograd: A.S.Suvorin Press, 1916. Zincograph.
Kraitor I.K. Poster for the donation of frontline fighters and their children on March 26, 1915. Without place: M. N. Christie's warehouse for war needs, 1915. Colored Autotype.
Marenkov A.V. Kiev - to Serbia and Montenegro. Kiev: Phototype of "S.V. Kulzhenko", 1914. Phototype.
Help refugees. 14-15 September 1915. City of Serpukhov. Moscow: A.A. Levenson Printshop, 1915. Lithograph. (See in the Digital Library)
Rodionov S. Help Serbia and Montenegro. Moscow: A.A. Levenson Printshop, 1915. Lithograph. (See in the Digital Library)
Siberian Day. Without place: Siberian Society for Assistance to Wounded and Sick Soldiers and Victims of the War. 1915. Zincograph.
Yaguzhinsky S.I. To Victims of the War. Without place: without publisher, between 1914 and 1915. Colour Autotype.