NLR Online Exhibitions

WWI Postcards


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1-4. From the series of postcards "Carpathians". Petrograd: R. Golike and A. Vilborg Partnership between 1914 and 1917. Phototype.
  1. In the Trenches. (See in the Digital Library)
  2. At the Observation Post.
  3. In Position. (See in the Digital Library)
  4. Building of Dugouts.
    5-8. From the series of postcards "Second Patriotic War of 1914-1915-1916. Carpathians". Petrograd: Publishing House of the Circle of Ladies of the Petrograd Military Medical School, 1915. Phototype.
  5. Austrian Kitchen in the Hands of a Russian Cook. (See in the Digital Library)
  6. Carpathians. Head of the Division at the Pass. (See in the Digital Library)
  7. Hiking in the Carpathians. (See in the Digital Library)
  8. Narrow Gauge Railway. Wola Michovo Station. (See in the Digital Library)