NLR Online Exhibitions

Quran Manuscripts


Vasilyeva O. V. Iz istorii sobraniya Koranov Zh.-Zh. Marselya (From the History of the J.-J. Marcel Collection of Qurans) // Общуване с Изтока : юбилеен сб., посветен на 60-годишнината на Стоянка Кендерова. Sofia, 2007. Pp. 442–451;

Vasilyeva O. V. Samarkandskij Koran v Sankt-Peterburge (Samarkand Quran in St. Petersburg)(1870–1917) // Kutubhona ( Tashkent, 2017. No. 4. Pp. 32-39.

Vasilyeva O. V. Franczuzskij orientalist Zh.-Zh. Marsel` i ego kollekcziya drevnejshikh Koranov (French Orientalist J.-J. Marcel and his Collection of the Earliest Qurans) // Vostochnye rukopisi : materialy mezhdunar. konf. «Istorija v rukopisjah – rukopisi v istorii», Sankt-Peterburg, 14–16 ijunja 2005 g. St. Petersburg, 2008. Pp. 76–88

Zaitsev I. V. Koran Usmana (Quran of Uthman): Ilyas Boragansky and Ismail Gasprinsky // Aravijskie drevnosti : sb. v chest' 70-letija Aleksandra Vsevolodovicha Sedova. Moscow, 2020. Pp. 295–302.

Krachkovskaya V. A. Redkaya rukopis` Korana XVI v. (Rare Quran Manuscript of the 16th Century). Moscow, 1960. (Materialy 25-go Mezhdunar. kongressa vostokovedov : dok. delegacii SSSR : otd. ott.)

“Podarok sozerczayushhim” ("Gift to the Contemplative"): Stranstviya Ibn Battuty (Ibn Battuta's Travels) : Catalogue / State Hermitage Museum. St. Petersburg, 2015.

Rezvan E.A.Koran i ego mir (Quran and its World). St. Petersburg, 2001.

Shebunin A. F. Kuficheskij Koran Imperatorskoj S.-Peterburgskoj biblioteki (Kufic Quran of the Imperial St. Petersburg Library). St. Petersburg, 1891.

Yastrebova O. M. Svitok-amulet 1404 g. iz sobraniya P. P. Dubrovskogo (Talismanic Scroll, Dated1404, from the Collection of P. P. Dubrovsky) // «Azija i Afrika: nasledie i sovremennost'»: 29-j mezhdunar. kongress po istochnikovedeniju i istoriografii Azii i Afriki, 21–23 ijunja 2017 g. : sb. materialov. St. Petersburg, 2017. Pp. 102–103.

The Art of the Qur’an: Treasures from the Museum of Turkish and Islamic arts / eds. M. Farhad, S. Rettig. Washington, DC, 2016. (

Bayani M., Contadini A., Stanley T. The decorated word: Qur’ans of the 17th to the 19th centuries. London, 1999 (The Nasser D. Khalili collection ; vol. 4, pt 1).

Bayani M., Rogers J. M., Stanley T. The decorated word: Qur’ans of the 17th to the 19th centuries. London, 2009 (The Nasser D. Khalili collection ; vol. 4, pt 2).

Déroche F. The Abbasid tradition: Qur’ans of the 8th to the 10th centuries. London, 1992 (The Nasser D. Khalili collection ; vol. 1).

James D. After Timur: Qur’ans of the 14th to 16th centuries. London, 1992 (The Nasser D. Khalili collection ; vol. 3).

James D. The master scribes: Qur’ans of the 10th to 14th centuries. London, 1992 (The Nasser D. Khalili collection; vol. 2).

James D. Qurans of the Mamluks. London, 1988.

Krachkovskaya V. A. Un rare manuscript de Coran du XVI-e siecle // Trudy 25-go Mezhdunar. kongressa vostokovedov: 9–16 avgusta 1960 g. Moscow, 1960. Vol. 2. Pp. 105–110.

Vasilyeva O. V. The collection of Qur’an manuscripts in the National Library of Russia // Mélanges de l’Universite Saint-Joseph. Beyrouth, 2006. Vol. 59. Pp. 305–406.