Main page > Books > Vladimir Mayakovsky > Bibliography

Vladimir Mayakovsky. Dreamer and Herald

Marking the 120th Anniversary of the Birth


  1. Lilia Brik
    Pristrastnyie rasskazy [vosspominania, dnevniki, pis'ma]. – N. Novgorod, 2011
    Biased stories [memoirs , diaries , letters].
    NLR Shelfmark 2011-3/440

  2. Lilia Brik
    Lilia Brik – El'za Triole : neizdannaia perepiska : 1921-1970. – Moscow, 2000
    Lilia Brik - Elsa Triolet : Unpublished correspondence : 1921-1970.
    NLR Shelfmark 2000-3/17535

  3. S. Burdina
    Zhanrovye otkrytiia V. Maiakovskogo i russkaia pojema 1970-1980-kh godov. – Perm, 1999
    Genre-based findings of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Russian poems of 1970-1980s.
    NLR Shelfmark 2000-3/5405

  4. 'V tom, chto umiraju, ne vinite nikogo'?...: Sledstvennoe delo V.V. Majakovskogo: Dokumenty. Vospominanija sovremennikov.
    'Do not blame anyone for my death'?...: Investigative file on V.V. Mayakovsky : Documents . Memoirs of contemporaries. – Moscow, 2005
    NLR Shelfmark 2006-7/593

  5. V.V. Mayakovskii: pro et contra: Lichnost' i tvorchestvo Vladimira Maiakovskogo v otsenke sovremennikov i issledovatelei: Antologiya. – Saint Petersburg, 2006
    V.V. Mayakovsky : pro et contra: The person and works of Vladimir Mayakovsky in the evaluation of contemporaries and researchers : An Anthology.
    NLR Shelfmark 2007-5/5232

  6. Arkadii Vaksberg
    Pozhar serdtsa : kogo liubila Lilia Brik. – Moscow, 2010

    Heart on fire: Who was Lilia Brik in love with.
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-3/41362

  7. Arkadii Vaksberg
    Zagadka i magiia Lili Brik. - Moscow, 2004
    Mystery and Magic of Lilya Brik.
    NLR Shelfmark 2008-3/551 

  8. V.Valavin
    Slovotvorchestvo Majakovskogo: Opyt slovarja okkazionalizmov (okolo 3500 slov).
    Mayakovsky's word-building: an attempt of vocabulary of occasionalisms (about 3500 words).
    NLR Shelfmark S 2010-2/598

  9. Z.Veis / Weiss
    S Mayakovskim po Sankt-Peterburgu - 1993
    Mayakovsky in St. Petersburg.
    NLR Shelfmark 93-5/1227

  10. B.P.Verevkin
    Mayakovskii v gazete. – Moscow, 1986
    Mayakovsky in the newspapers
    NLR Shelfmark 86-3/9347

  11. G.O.Vinokur
    Mayakovskii - novator yazyka. – Moscow, 2009
    Mayakovsky - an innovator of the language.
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-5/4662

  12. Vladimir Mayakovsky i ego tradiciya v poyezii: Issledovanija. – Moscow, 2005
    Vladimir Mayakovsky and his tradition in poetry.
    NLR Shelfmark 2006-3/511

  13. Vojna i mir Majakovskogo (1/VIII/1914-15/III/1918): Katalog vystavki o tvorchestve pojeta. – Moscow, 2008
    War and Peace of Mayakovsky. Exhibiton Catalogue. NLR Shelfmark 2009-3/41212

  14. B.Gorb.
    Shut u trona revolyutsii: Vnutrennii syuzhet tvorchestva i zhizni poyeta i aktera serebryanogo veka Vladimira Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2001
    Jester at the throne of the revolution: Inside story of the life and works of the poet and actor of the Silver Age Vladimir Mayakovsky.
    NLR Shelfmark 2002-5/2608

  15. State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky : Exposition. – Moscow, 1983
    NLR Shelfmark 84-6/3252

  16. I.Ivanyushin
    Russkii futurizm: ideologiya, poyetika, pragmatika- 2003.
    Russian Futurism: ideology, poetics, pragmatics.
    NLR Shelfmark 2003-3/21496

  17. D.Ivlev.
    Mayakovsky: Zhurnalistskoe, redaktorsko-izdatel'skoe i hudozhestvenno-publicisticheskoe tvorchestvo, 1911-1917. – Moscow, 2008
    Mayakovsky: journalistic, editorial and publishing activities, fiction and nonfiction works.
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-3/13996

  18. F.Ikshin
    Lilya Brik. Zhizneopisanie velikoi lyubovnicy. – Moscow, 2008.
    Lilya Brik. Biography of the great mistress. NLR Shelfmark 2008-3/37906

  19. Imya etoi teme: ljubov'!. Sovremennicy o Majakovskom - 1993 (Literaturnye memuary. Vek XX)
    The name of this theme is love!. Contemporary girls about Mayakovsky - 1993 (memoirs NLR Shelfmark 93-5/1549

  20. K.M.Kantor
    Trinadcatyi apostol [o zhizni i tvorchestve V. Mayakovskogo]. – Moscow, 2008
    Thirteenth Apostle [about the life and works of Mayakovsky].
    NLR Shelfmark 2008-7/6632

  21. Ju.A.Karabchievskii
    Voskresenie Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2008
    Resurrection of Mayakovsky.
    NLR Shelfmark 2008-3/30049

  22. V.Katanyan
    Lilya Brik, Vladimir Mayakovsky i drugie muzhchiny.
    Lilya Brik, Vladimir Mayakovsky and other men. – Moscow, 1998
    NLR Shelfmark 99-3/61

  23. V.Katanyan
    Lilya Brik: Zhizn'. - Moscow, 2010
    Lilya Brik: A Life.
    NLR Shelfmark 2010-3/22450

  24. L.F. Katsis
    Vladimir Mayakovsky. - 2000 (Studia philologica)
    NLR Shelfmark 2000-7/2046

  25. Katsis L.F.
    Vladimir Mayakovsky: Poyet v intellektual'nom kontekste epohi. – Moscow, 2004
    Vladimir Mayakovsky: A poet in the intellectual context of the era.
    NLR Shelfmark 2005-7/956

  26. Svetlana Kovalenko
    "Zvezdnaia dan'". Zhenshchiny v sud'be Mayakovskogo. – Moscow, 2006
    "Tribute of the Star." Women in the fate of Mayakovsky.
    NLR Shelfmark 2006-3/14719

  27. Kolesnikova L. E.
    Drugie liki Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2008
    Other faces of Mayakovsky
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-7/2478

  28. Kolina E. V.
    Ne bez vran'ia. [novel] - 2010
    Not without lying
    NLR Shelfmark 2010-3/27671

  29. Komarov S.A.
    A. Chehov - V. Majakovskij: Komediograf v dialoge s russkoi kul'turoi kontsa XIX-pervoi treti XX veka. – Tyumen, 2002
    A. Chekhov - V. Mayakovsky : comedy playwrights in the dialogue with the Russian culture of the end of the 19th - the first third of the 20th centuries
    NLR Shelfmark 2002-7/4038

  30. Koriabina V.V.
    Riadom s poyetom. – Moscow, 2003
    Side by side to the poet.
    NLR Shelfmark 2005-4/36965

  31. Krusanov A. V.
    Russkii avangard, 1907-1932. Ist. obzor. V 3 t. - 2003
    Russian Avant-Garde, 1907-1932. Historical Review.
    NLR Shelfmark 2003-7/3706

  32. Kruchenyh A. E.
    K istorii russkogo futurizma. Vospominaniya i dokumenty. S prilozheniem deklaratsii i statei A. Kruchenykh, a takzhe statei I. Terent'eva i S. Tret'jakova - 2006
    Contributions to the History of Russian Futurism. Memories and documents. With the application of declarations and articles of A.Kruchenykh as well as articles of V.Terentyeva and S.Tretyakov
    NLR Shelfmark 2006-3/34792

  33. Kuz'menko P.V.
    Samye skandal'nye treugol'niki russkoi istorii. - Moscow; Vladimir, 2012
    The most scandalous triangles in the Russian history
    NLR Shelfmark 2012-3/7551

  34. Kultysheva O.M.
    V. Mayakovskii i literaturnye gruppy i ob"edineniya 1910 - 1920-kh godov: Monografiya.– Moscow, 2005
    Mayakovsky and literary groups and associations of 1910 - 1920s: Monograph
    NLR Shelfmark 2005-3/22588

  35. Lavut P.I.
    Mayakovskii edet po Soyuzu: Vospominaniya [1926-1930]. – Moscow, 1978
    Mayakovsky travels around the Union
    NLR Shelfmark 78-3/9108

  36. Lyudmila Mayakovsky. – Moscow, 2010
    NLR Shelfmark 2011-7/2761

  37. Vladimir Mayakovsky
    Krikogubyi Zaratustra. Izbrannye proizvedenija - 2012 (Rukopisi)
    Shouting Zarathustra. Selected Works - 2012 ( Manuscript ) NLR Shelfmark 2012-7/2565

  38. Mayakovskii - Rodchenko: Klassika konstruktivizma. – Moscow, 2004
    Mayakovsky - Rodchenko: Classic constructivism
    NLR Shelfmark 2004-7/3373

  39. Majakovskij bez gljanca. – Saint Petersburg, 2008
    Mayakovsky without gloss.
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-3/7262

  40. Majakovskij v sovremennom mire: Sbornik statej i materialov. – Moscow, 2004
    Mayakovsky in the Modern World: Collection of articles and materials.
    NLR Shelfmark 2004-3/19681

  41. Majakovskij v sovremennom mire: Sbornik statej i materialov. – Moscow, 2003
    Mayakovsky in the Modern World: Collection of articles and materials.
    NLR Shelfmark P34/2001

  42. Mayakovsky continues: Collection of scientific articles and publications of archival materials. - M. , 2003
    NLR Code P34/2001

  43. A. Mikhailov.
    Zhizn' Mayakovskogo: Ja svoe zemnoe ne dozhil. – Moscow, 2001
    A.Mayakovsky's life : I did not live long on the earth.
    NLR Shelfmark 2002-3/8403

  44. A. Mikhailov.
    Tochka puli v konce. Zhizn' Majakovskogo - 1993
    End up with a bullet.
    NLR Shelfmark 93-3/7916

  45. Moi Mayakovskii: Vospominaniya sovremennikov. – Ekaterinburg, 2007
    My Mayakovsky : Memories of contemporaries.
    NLR Shelfmark 2008-3/15579

  46. Moskovskaia ruletka: Moskva Mayakovskogo: Vystavka k 850-letiyu Moskvy. – Moscow, 2011
    Moscow Roulette: Moscow of Mayakovsky: Exhibition to the 850th anniversary of Moscow.
    NLR Shelfmark 2011-4/6391

  47. N.Nichik
    Onomastika pojem V.V. Mayakovskogo: Opyt slovarja. – Simferopol, 2012
    Onomastics of poems of VV Mayakovsky:an attempt of vocabulary
    NLR Shelfmark S 2012-2/348

  48. G.Optov
    Sobranie sochinenij. [V 5 t.] - 2000
    Collected Works. [In 5 vols.]
    NLR Shelfmark 2001-3/16672

  49. G.Pechorov
    V.V. Majakovskii i XXI vek: Jeticheskii kodeks chesti, jestetika i pojetika v ego tvorchestve: Monografiya. – Moscow, 2003
    VV Mayakovsky and the 21th century: Ethical code of honor, aesthetics and poetics in his works: Monograph
    NLR Shelfmark 2007-3/16439

  50. G.Pechorov
    Novatorskoe stihoslozhenie V.V. Majakovskogo: Strofika, ee grafika, ritmika i rifma: Teoreticheskii analiz. – Moscow, 2000
    Innovative versification of VV Mayakovsky: stanzaic structure, rhythm and rhyme : A theoretical analysis
    NLR Shelfmark 2007-3/28883

  51. M.Pokotylo
    Sud'ba pojeta. Iz istorii osmysleniya tvorchestva V.V. Majakovskogo: Monografiya. – Rostov-n/D., 2010
    Fate of the poet. History of understanding of the art of VV Mayakovsky: Monograph.
    NLR Shelfmark 2010-3/32067

  52. M.Polekhina
    Hudozhestvennye iskanija v russkoj pojezii pervoj treti HH veka: M. Cvetaeva i V. Majakovskij: Hudozhestvennaja kosmogonija. – Moscow, 2002
    Art striving in Russian poetry of the first third of the twentieth century: M. Tsvetaeva and V.Mayakovsky : Art cosmogony NLR Shelfmark 2003-3/7754

  53. Prizhiznennye izdanija Vladimira Vladimirovicha Majakovskogo: Katalog [K 80-letiju so dnja rozhdenija V.V. Majakovskogo]. Vyp. 4.
    Liftime editions of Vladimir Mayakovsky: Catalogue [To the 80th anniversary of V.V.Mayakovsky ]. Issue 4. – Moscow, 1984
    NLR Shelfmark S K-5/19

  54. V.Radzishevsky
    Mezhdu zhizn'ju i smert'ju: Hronika poslednih dnej Vladimira Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2009
    Between Life and Death : A Chronicle of the last days of Vladimir Mayakovsky.
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-2/3437

  55. Russkaja futuristicheskaja kniga iz kollekcii Gosudarstvennogo muzeja V.V. Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2009
    Russian futurist books from the collection of the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky.
    NLR Shelfmark S 2011-4/38

  56. Russkij kubofuturizm. [Sb. st.] - 2002
    Russian Cubofuturism. [Collected articles]
    NLR Shelfmark 2002-5/4609

  57. B.Sarniv
    Majakovskij. Samoubijstvo. – Moscow, 2006
    Mayakovsky. Suicide
    NLR Shelfmark 2007-3/6893

  58. Yu.Semenov
    Poslednie dni Majakovskogo: istoricheskie versii. – Moscow, 2007
    last days of Mayakovsky's: historical versions
    NLR Shelfmark 2007-3/19325

  59. V.Skoryatin
    Tajna gibeli Vladimira Majakovskogo: Novaja versija tragicheskih sobytij, osnovannaja na poslednih nahodkah v sekretnyh arhivah. – Moscow, 2009
    Mystery death of Vladimir Mayakovsky : A new version of the tragic events, based on the latest findings in the secret archives
    NLR Shelfmark 2009-3/20762

  60. M.Spivak
    Mozg otprav'te po adresu.... Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Andrej Belyj, Jeduard Bagrickij v kollekcii Moskovskogo instituta mozga. – Moscow, 2009
    Send the brain at the address.... Vladimir Lenin , Vladimir Mayakovsky, Andrei Bely, Edward Bagritsky in the collection of the Moscow Institute of the Brain
    NLR Shelfmark 2010-3/4937

  61. M.Spivak
    Posmertnaja diagnostika genial'nosti. – Moscow, 2001
    Postmortem diagnosis of genius
    NLR Shelfmark 2001-3/16912

  62. S.Strizhneva
    Putevoditel' po jekspozicii Gosudarstvennogo muzeja V.V. Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2007
    Guide to the exposition at the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky
    NLR Shelfmark 2011-4/6318

  63. A.Subbotin
    Majakovskij skvoz' prizmu zhanra. – Moscow, 1986
    Mayakovsky through the prism of the genre
    NLR Shelfmark 87-3/601

  64. Tata (Tat'yana Yakovleva). – Moscow, 2003
    NLR Shelfmark 2011-3/23493

  65. Tvorchestvo V.V. Majakovskogo v nachale XXI veka: Novye zadachi i puti issledovanija. – Moscow, 2008
    Creativity VV Mayakovsky at the beginning of the XXI Century: New Challenges and the way the study
    NLR Shelfmark 2008-5/6738

  66. P. J. Thompson.
    Mayakovsky in Manhattan: A Love Story with Excerpts from the Memoir of Elly Jones. – Moscow, 2003
    NLR Shelfmark 2003-3/24985

  67. Yu.Tyurin
    Tat'jana. Russkaja muza Parizha. – Moscow, 2006
    Tatiana. Russian muse of Paris
    NLR Shelfmark 2006-5/8141

  68. E.Fedorova
    Gibel' V.V. Majakovskogo - zakonomernost' ili sluchajnost'? – Moscow, 2011
    Is the death of V.V. Mayakovsky naturally determined or accidental? His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate
    NLR Shelfmark 2012-3/2138

  69. O.Fedotov
    Stih, prorvavshij gromadu let: O stihotvornoj pojetike Vladimira Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2010
    Verses that have broken the mountain chain of years: About the verse poetics of Vladimir Mayakovsky
    NLR Shelfmark 2010-5/8348

  70. V.Fiveysky
    Nora. Poslednjaja ljubov' Majakovskogo [o Veronike Vitol'dovne Polonskoi]. – Moscow, 2008
    Nora. Mayakovsky's Last Love [about Veronike Vitol'dovne Polonskoi]
    NLR Shelfmark 2008-5/9851

  71. N.Khardzhiev
    Ot Majakovskogo do Kruchenyh: Izbrannye raboty o russkom futurizme. – Moscow, 2006
    From Mayakovsky to Kruchenykh: Selected works on Russian Futurism
    NLR Shelfmark 2006-3/34637

  72. M.Kharkov
    Svetit' - i nikakih gvozdej!: Majakovskij bez hrestomatijnogo gljanca. – Vinnica, 2003
    To shine— and to hell with everything else!: Mayakovsky without the gloss of classics
    NLR Shelfmark 2004-3/4697

  73. V.Tsvetkov
    Cena ljubvi – smert': Ubijstvo V.V. Majakovskogo. – N. Novgorod,  2009
    Price for Love is Death: Murder of V. Mayakovsky
    NLR Shelfmark 2011-3/5546

  74. G.Cheremin
    V.V. Majakovskij v literaturnoj kritike, 1917-1925 - 1985
    V.V. Mayakovsky in literary critique
    NLR Shelfmark 85-5/6172

  75. E.Shulman
    Incident isperchen. Ja vse ravno tebja voz'mu. dva romana. ljubovnaja prikljuchel' - 2010 (Malen'kaja kniga)
    Incident dissolved. I 'll take you anyway. Two novels. Love NLR Shelfmark 2010-5/9366

  76. Bengt Jangfeldt
    Stavka – zhizn': Vladimir Mayakovsky i ego krug. – Moscow, 2009
    More Than Life at Stake. Vladimir Mayakovsky and his Circle NLR Shelfmark 2009-7/1081

  77. Bengt Jangfeldt
    Ljubov' - jeto serdce vsego. V.V. Majakovskij i L.Ju. Brik. Perepiska, 1915-1930 - 1991
    Love is the heart of everything. Correspondence between V.V. Mayakovsky and L.Yu. Brick.
    NLR Shelfmark 91-7/1066

  78. Bengt Jangfeldt
    "Ja" dlja menja malo: Revoljucija - ljubov' Vladimira Majakovskogo. – Moscow, 2012
    "I " for me is not enough: The Revolution is the love of Vladimir Mayakovsky
    NLR Shelfmark 2012-7/2944

  79. Echaurren P.
    Viete di poeti. Campana, Majakovski, Pound - 2000
    NLR Shelfmark Ik 2005-5/2171

  80. Fedorovski V.
    Milosny trojkat po rosyjsku. Zycie uczuciowe Katarzyny II, A. Puszkina, W. Lenina, W. Majakowskiego, B. Pasternaka. - 2003
    NLR Shelfmark Ik 2004-5/586

  81. Jangfeldt B.
    Med livet som insats. berattelsen om Vladimir Majakovskij och hans krets. - 2007
    NLR Shelfmark Ik 2008-5/1177

  82. MessinaRoberto
    Majakovskij artista. - 1993
    NLR Shelfmark L21 D-7/119

  83. Stapanian J.
    Mayakovsky's cubo-futurist vision. - 1986
    NLR Shelfmark Ik 2002-7/649

  84. Waksberg A.I.
    Uwodzicielka. zycie Lili Brik. - 2007
    NLR Shelfmark Ik 2009-5/744