Ancient Qur’ans from the Collection of J.J. Marcel

Reference Literature

  1. Articles in the collection Vostochnye rukopisi: Istorija v rukopisjah - rukopisi v istorii (Oriental manuscripts: History in the manuscripts - manuscripts in history): Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (St. Petersburg, 14-16 June 2005), St. Petersburg, 2008:
    1. Déroche F. Turkish patrons of the art of the book in Abbasid times. (Pp. 71-75.);
    2. Vasil'eva O.V. Francuzskij orientalist Zh.-Zh. Marsel' i ego kollekcija drevnejshih Koranov (The French Orientalist Jean-Jacques Marcel and his collection of ancient Qur'ans (Pp. 77-88);
    3. Polosin Val. V. Kollekcija Zh.-Zh. Marselja i voprosy datirovki drevnejshih spiskov Korana (The collection of J.-J. Marcel and problems of dating of ancient copies of Qur'an )(Pp.89-96);
    4. Emel'janova L. V., Krushel'nickaja E. V., Jastrebova O. M. Elektronnyj katalog sobranija Zh.-Zh. Marselja (The electronic catalogue of the collection of J.-J. Marcel). (Pp. 97-105.)
  2. Vasilyeva O. V. Iz istorii sobranija Koranov Zh.-Zh. Marselja (From the history of the collection of Qur'ans of J.-J. Marcel) // Obshhuvane s Iztoka: Jubileen sbornik, posveten na 60-godishninata na Stojanka Kenderova. Sofia, 2007. Pp. 442-451.
  3. Rezvan E.A. Koran i ego mir (Qur'an and Its World). St.Petersburg, 2001.
  4. Déroche F. The Abbasid tradition: Qur'ans of the 8th to the 10th centuries AD. New York, 1992.
  5. Déroche F. Colonnes, vases et rinceaux sur qelques enluminures d'époque Omeyyade // Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus des séances de l'année 2004, janvier-mars. Paris, 2004. Pp. 227-264.
  6. Déroche F. Un fragmento coránico datado en el siglo III/IX // Гραφειου : Códices, manuscritos e imágenes : Estudios filológicos e históricos. Córdoba, 2003. (Studia semitica. Manuales y estudios; 2). Pp. 127-140.

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