Reference Literature
- Gasparov M. L. Karolingskoe vozrozhdenie (VIII-IX vv.) (Carolingian Revival of the 8th-9th Centuries) //Pamjatniki srednevekovoj latinskoj literatury IV-IX vekov (Monuments of Medieval Latin Literature of the 4th-9th Centuries). Moscow, 1970. Pp. 223-242.
- Devyataykina N.I. Mirovozzrenie Petrarki: jeticheskie vzgljady (World View of Petrarch : ethical views). Saratov, 1988.
- Dokumenty iz Bastil'skogo arhiva (Documents from the Bastille Archives). Annotated catalogue. Compiler A. D. Lyublinskaya. Leningrad, 1960.
- Zapadnye rukopisi i tradicija ih izuchenija (Western Manuscripts and Tradition of their Study). SPb, 2009.
- Elagina N. A. Avtografy Viktora Gjugo v Leningrade (Autographs of Victor Hugo in Leningrad). // Pamjatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytija (Cultural Monuments. New Discoveries). Moscow, 1977. Pp. 147-154.
- Katalog sobranija latinskih rukopisej: pravo, filosofija, nauka, literatura i iskusstvo (Catalogue of the Latin manuscripts collection : law, philosophy, science, literature and art). Compiler : O. N. Bleskina. SPb., 2011.
- Katalog sobranija latinskih rukopisej: teologija(Catalogue of the Latin manuscripts collection : theology). Compiler : M. G. Logutova. SPb., 2015.
- Kiseleva L. I. Latinskie rukopisi XIII veka. Opisanie rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki (Latin Manuscripts of the 13th century. Descriptions of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia). SPb., 2005.
- Kiseleva L. I. Latinskie rukopisi XIV veka. Opisanie rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki (Latin Manuscripts of the 14th Century. Descriptions of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia). SPb., 2012.
- Kiseleva L. I. Zapadnoevropejskie “knigi chasov” v bibliotekah Sankt-Peterburga. Opisanie rukopisej XIV-XVI vv (Western European "Books of Hours" in the St. Petersburg Libraries. Descriptions of Manuscripts of the 14th -16th Centuries). SPb., 2008.
- Jacques Le Goff. Intellectuals in the Middle Ages. SPb., 2003.
- Logutova M. G. “Apologii” Erazma i rukopisnyj material Gosudarstvennoj Publichnoj biblioteki im. M.E.Saltykova-Shhedrina ("Apology" of Erasmus and handwritten material of the State Public Library after Saltykov-Shchedrin). //Erazm Rotterdamskij i ego vremja (Erasmus and his Time). Moscow, 1989. Pp. 236-243.
- Logutova M. G. Evangelie v zapadnoevropejskoj rukopisnoj tradicii: ot slova k obrazu (Gospel in Western Manuscript Tradition: from word to image). //Ostromirovo Evangelie i sovremennye issledovanija rukopisnoj tradicii evangel'skih tekstov (Ostromir Gospel and Contemporary Researches of the Manuscript Tradition of the Gospel Texts). SPb, 2010. Pp. 333-349.
- Lyublinskaya A. D. Bastil'skij arhiv v Leningrade (Bastille Archives in Leningrad) . Annotated catalogue. Leningrad, 1988.
- Ukolova V.I. Antichnoe nasledie i kul'tura rannego srednevekov'ja (Ancient Heritage and Culture of the Early Middle Ages). Moscow, 1989.
- Ganz David. Mass production of early medieval manuscripts: the Carolingian Bibles from Tours. //The early medieval Bible. Its production, decoration and use. Ed. By Richard Gameson. Cambridge, 1994. P. 53-62.
- Hedeman A. D. From France to Flanders: Revisuilisatizing the “Grandes chronoiques de France” (Erm. fr. 88). //Zapadnye rukopisi i tradicija ih izuchenija(Western Manuscripts and Tradition of their Study).. СПб., 2009. Pp. 167-188.
- Light Laura. French Bibles c. 1200-30 and the origin of the Paris Bibles. //The early medieval Bible. Its production, decoration and use. Ed. By Richard Gameson. Cambridge, 1994. P. 155-173.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.I.3.
Aurelius Augustinus, ep. Hipponensis. De doctrina christiana (f. 106r-153r).
St. Augustine. On Christian Doctrine.
5th cent. North Africa.
Parchment. In Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.I.9
Hieronymus Stridonensis. Epistula 78 seu liber exegeticus ad Fabiolam (Num. 33-49).
St. Jerome. Commentary on the "Book of Numbers" (Num. 33-49).
6th cent. In Italy.
Parchment. Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.I.17
Aurelius Augustinus, ep. Hipponensis. Retractationes.
St. Augustine. Retractations.
Late 8th cent. France (Corbie).
Parchment. Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.I.21
Evangelia cum prologis, argumentis et capitulis.
Four Gospels.
10th cent. France (Tours).
Parchment. Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Evangelium secundum Matthaeum (XXVI, 43 – XXVII, 49).
Gospel of Matthew (XXVI, 43 – XXVII, 49).
8th cent. Germany.
Purple dyed parchment. Latin.
Written in gold ink, headers and notes in the fields are executed in silver ink.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.I.26
Four Gospels.
9th cent. France (Autun).
Purple dyed parchment. Latin.
Written in silver ink, headers are executed in gold ink.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.О.v.I .174
Biblia sacra.
13th cent. France (Paris).
Parchment, Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. F. 993 к. 8 No. 1.
Letter of Pope Alexander IV to Archbishop of Cologne.
23 March 1261.
Parchment. Latin. Pendant leaden bulla (seal).
From the Collection of P. Sukhtelen.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.I.78.
Missale Remense.
Reims Missal.
13th cent. France.
Parchment. In Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.Q.v.II.11.
Lex salica emendata (cap. XVIII-LXIV, LXVIII-LXXIII).
Emended Salic Law.
9th cent. France.
Parchment. In Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.F.v.II.4.
Codex Iustinianus repetitae praelectionis. Lib. I-IX.
Justinian Code.
13th cent.
Parchment. Latin.
From the Collection of P. Sukhtelen.
Ms. Lat.F.v. II.8.
Gregorius IX papa. Decretalium cum glossa ordinaria. Lib. I-III.
Pope Gregory IX. Decretals.
13th cent.
Parchment. In Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Lat.Q.II.157.
Jus municipale Magdeburgensis et ius teutonicus.
Magdeburg Law.
1427 Germany.
Paper. In Latin.
14. Ms. Erm. fr. 88
Les Grandes Chroniques de France.
The Grand French Chronicles.
Netherlands. Mid 15th cent.
Parchment. In French.
The foreign part of the Hermitage Collection.
Ms. Lat.O.v.I.126
Book of hours.
15th cent. France.
Parchment. In Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky
Ms. Lat.F.v.XV.1
Francesco Petrarca. De remediis utriusque fortunae.
Francesco Petrarch. Remedies for Fortune Fair and Foul.
1388. Italy (Milan).
Parchment. Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Ital.Q.v.XIV.I
Francesco Petrarca. Canzonieri. Trionfi.
Francesco Petrarch. Songbook. Triumphs.
15th century. Italy (Florence).
Parchment. Italian.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Ital. F.v.XIV.I
Giovanni Boccaccio. Il Filocolo.
Giovanni Boccaccio. The Filocolo.
15 cent. Italy.
Parchment. In Italian.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Аut. 140 No. 47
Erasmus Roterodamus.
Erasmus. Letter to Henri Botte.
December 22, 1527 Basel.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. F. 993 к. 16 No. 76
Martin Luther, Johannes Bugenhagen, Philipp Melanchton.
Decree on the appointment of the doctor of theology Theodor Fabricius (1501-1571) the superintendent (head) of the Evangelical Church in Zerbst.
Signatures of Luther, Melanchthon and Bugenhagen are autographs.
August 3, 1544.
In German.
From the collection of P. Sukhtelen.
Ms. Ф. 993 к. 4 No. 33
Charles IX roi de France.
Charles IX, King of France.
Order to the Paris Chamber of Accounts to allocate funds (100,000 francs) for sending the army against the rebels in La Rochelle.
Signature of Charles IX is an autograph. Authenticated by the Secretary.
3 December 1572.
In French.
Авт. 107/1 No. 56
Armand-Jean du Plessis duc de Richelieu.
Letter to the French Ambassador in Turkey, Philippe de Harlay, Count de Cézy.
9 May 9, 1629.
Signature de Richelieu is an autograph.
In French.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ф. 992 No. 143
Felipe II rey de España.
Philip II, King of Spain.
Charter to Andres de Arnedo Rosales.
22 November 1585.
Signature of Philip II is an autograph.
Parchment. In Latin.
Ms. Lat.F.IV.84
Guido de Columnis. Historia destructionis Troiae.
Guido delle Colonne. History of the Destruction of Troy.
15th cent. France.
Paper. In Latin.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. Ф. 993 к. 4 No. 75.
Louis XIV roi de France.
Louis XIV, King of France.
Order to the commander of a cavalry corps de Gouvernet to enlist de la Coste and Richard de la Rousselier in a detachment of light cavalry .
Signature of Louis XIV is an autograph. Witnessed by Le Tellier.
22 June 1657. La Fere.
From the Collection of P. Sukhtelen.
In French.
Ms. Ф. 588 No. 420
François Marie Arouet de Voltaire.
Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire.
Letter to A. Sumarokov.
Signature Voltaire is an autograph.
26 February 1769.
In French.
Ms. Ф. 991 No. 491
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Letter to the Herder family: Maria Karolina and Johann Gottfried Herder.
[21 September 1781, Weimar].
In German.
Ms. Aut. 120 No. 28.
Order to Commandant of the Bastille Bernard René Jourdan, Marquis de Launay, to put Mr. Marc-Simon Guyard de La Mairir in the prison.
4 June 1746. Antwerp.
Signature of War Minister d'Argenson is an autograph.
In French.
From the Collection of P. Dubrovsky.
Ms. F. 992 No. 268
Augustin Bon Joseph de Robespierre.
Augustin Robespierre.
A signature of endorsement on a receipt of the treasurer of the revolutionary French army in Italy.
30 October 1793. Nice.
Personal Seal of Augustin Robespierre.
In French.
Ms. F. 965 No. 1956
Napoléon I.
Napoleon I.
Letter to Marshal Marshal Berthier (Louis-Alexandre Berthier, prince de Neuchâtel et Valangin, prince de Wagram).
29 June 1808. Bayonne.
In French.
From the collection of P. Waxell.
Ms. Ф. 965 No. 1956
Postcard with a portrait of Napoleon I and his autograph.
From the collection of P. Waxell.
Ms. Ф. 991 No. 646
Immanuel Kant. Von innerem Sinn.
Immanuel Kant. On Inner Sense.
In German.
Ms. Ф. 991 No. 647
Immanuel Kant.
Notes with logical-mathematical arguments.
In German.
Ms. Ф. 991 No. 132
Richard Wagner.
Letter to Prince E. Wittgenstein, containing a music fragment from the opera The Rhinegold, the first performance of which took place in 1869.
30 May 1854. Zurich.
In German.
Ms. Ф. 970 No. 2
Victor-Marie Hugo. La légende des siècles". Première série. Histoire – Les petites épopées. T. 1-2. Paris, Michel Lévy fréres - Hetzel et Cie. 1859.
Victor Hugo.
First edition of the poetry collection "The Legend of Centuries" with pasted-in 35 letters from Hugo to the proofreader of the edition Noel Parfait (Noël Parfait).
1854-1859. Guernsey.
In French.