Medieval European Literature

Reference Literature

  • Bleskina O. N. «Zercalo chelovecheskogo spasenija» v sobranii Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki ("Mirror of Human Salvation" in the Collection of the National Library of Russia). Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie discipliny. XXV. St.Petersburg, 1994. Pp. 256—269.
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  • Katalog sobranija latinskih rukopisej: pravo, filosofija, nauka, literatura i iskusstvo (Catalogue of the Latin manuscripts collection : law, philosophy, science, literature and art). Compiler : O. N. Bleskina. St.Petersburg., 2011.
  • Katalog sobranija latinskih rukopisej: teologija(Catalogue of the Latin manuscripts collection : theology). Compiler : M. G. Logutova. St.Petersburg., 2015.
  • Kiseleva L. I. Latinskie rukopisi XIII veka. Opisanie rukopisej Rossijskoj nacional'noj biblioteki (Latin Manuscripts of the 13th century. Descriptions of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia). St.Petersburg., 2005.
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  • Kristina Pizanskaja. Iz “Knigi o Grade Zhenskom”. (Perevod Ju. P. Malinina) // “Pjatnadcat' radostej braka” i drugie sochinenija francuzskih avtorov XIV-XV vv (Cristine of Pisa. From the "Book of the City of Ladies". (Translation Malinin YP) // "The fifteen joys of marriage" and other works of French authors XIV-XV centuries). Moscow, 1991. Pp. 218-256.
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  • Logutova M. G. Liber precum. Vollständige Facsimile-Ausgabe der Handschrift Ms. Lat.O.v.I.206 der Russischen National Bibliothek in St. Petersburg. Graz, Akad. Dr.- u.Verl.-Anst., 2003. Kommentar, S. 1-99.
  • Logutova M. G. Intellectual life of the Middle Ages as it appears in the scribes’, owners’ and readers’ notes in the German manuscripts at the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg). /Deutsch-russische Arbeitsgespräche zu mittelalterlichen Handschriften und Druke aus Halberstadt in russischen Bibliotheken. Erfurt, 2012. S.81-93.