
Discours sur le mariage de Pollion et d’Eurydice. Late 15th – early 16th c. France (Paris). 46 ff., 241 x 162 mm, parchment, 12 miniatures. Fr. Q.v.III. 3. Fol. 15 r.: Miniature “How husbands may cause their wives' chastity or impudence”.
This is a French translation of Plutarch’s work made by Jean Laudet in 1499 on the account of the wedding of Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne.

Te Deum. For three choirs, orchestra and organ. Full score. [1849-1850]. Autograph. 104 f ., 357 х 267 mm, paper. Coll. 65. Н. Berlioz. No. 1. Fol. 28 r.: № 3 – Prelude.
Berlioz, Hector. Photograph by Ch. Reutlinger. S.a. Paris. 1 f., 105 x 63 mm. Coll. 965. P.L. Vaksel. No. 234.
The manuscript was given to the Imperial Public Library by its author on 11th of September, 1862.

Binding with guilt stamping. Coll. 650. The Romanovs, Imperial Family. No. 1540.
The address contains the signatures of the members of the Society, including Gaston Leroux, Maurice Leblanc, Pierre Loti, Edmond Rostand, Camille Saint-Saens, Anatole France, Paul Hervieu e.a.