
179 ff. , 282 x 200 mm, parchment. Span. F.v.IV. 1. Fol. 1 v.: Our Lady with John the Baptist and St. Bernard giving blessings to the members of Gil del Barrio Palacio family. Fol. 172 r.: portrait of King Carlos II.

‘Ali b. ‘Abd Allah al-Shushtari. Diwan (Collection of lyric poetry). 1071 A.H./1661 A.D. North Africa. 112 ff., 205 x 145 mm, paper. Dorn. 137. Fol. 1 v.: The beginning of the Diwan with an ornamented heading.
Al-Shushtari (1203-1269) was an Arabic mystic poet from Andalusia.

2 ff., 277 x 133 mm, paper. Coll. 380. M.A. Korff. No. 456. Fol. 1 r., 2 v.
M.A. Korff (1800 – 1876), Russian historian and statesman, director of the Imperial Public Library in 1849 – 1861.