
De consolatione philosophiae cum glossis. Late 12th c. 148 ff.,
327 x 206 mm, parchment, 50 decorated initials. Cl. lat. F.v.3. Fol. 50 v.- 51 r.
Owner`s note "Liber b[ea]te M[ari]e de Bonaspe"
(fol. 89 r.) confirms that the manuscript belonged to the abbey Bona Spes (founded in 1126) which is situated in the territory of contemporary Belgium.

Autograph. 6 ff., 338 x 292 mm, paper. Coll. 48. P.A. Barteneva. No. 19.
Servais, Adrien Francois. Photograph by P.Petit. S.a. Paris. 1 f., 105 x 90 mm. Coll. 965. P.L. Vaksel. No. 2499.
The manuscript was given by the author to the singer Prascovia (Pauline) Arsen'evna Barteneva (1811 - 1872), who was a maid of honor of the Russian Imperial Court. Her note says "Pauline Bartenieff. Souvenir de Mr. Serve".