Cultural heritage of Europe in the collections
of the National Library of Russia


Sebastiano (1557 - 1578), Portuguese King. Edict appointing Joano Madeyra an official in the fortress of Hormuz. February 13, 1568. Lisbon.
1 f., 203 x 298 mm, parchment. Coll. 965. P.L. Vaksel. No. 2467. Fol. 1 r.
Sebastiano, Portuguese King. Photographed by Damiano from a portrait. S.a. Lisbon. 1 f., 105 x 65 mm. Coll. 965. P.L. Vaksel. No. 2467. Fol. 2.
Braga, Theophilo (1843 – 1924), Portuguese poet, publicist. Letter to Platon Lvovich Vaksel with the expression of admiration of his book “Quadros da litteratura, das sciencias e artes na Russia” (Funchal, 1868). August 4, 1874. Porto.
2 ff., 135 x 210 mm. Coll. 123. P.L. Vaksel. No. 531. Fol. 3 r. and 4 r.
Braga, Theophilo. Photograph by Damiano. S.a. Lisbon. 1 f., 105 x 63 mm. Coll.123. P.L. Vaksel, No. 531. Fol. 6.