123 ff., 345 x 237 mm, parchment, 13 miniatures. Germ. F.v. XIV.1. Fol. 50 v. – 51 r.: Miniature "Rook".
The manuscript was produced in the territory of modern Switzerland, probably at the Stein-am-Rhein monastery where the author Kunrat von Ammenhausen (1280/90 – mid. 14th c.) lived and worked.
Coll. 63. N.L. and L.N. Benua. No. 133. Fol. 38: A house in Meiringen, canton Bern Oberland – general view and details. [1841]. 335 x 225 mm, paper, ink, water-colour.
2 ff., 341 x 237 mm, paper. Coll. 991. General collection of foreign autographs. Inv. 1. No. 701. Fol. 1.
F.C. de La Harpe who had been the tutor of the Russian successor to the throne, Catherine’s grandson Great Prince Alexander, in this letter discusses the pension granted to him by the Emperess.