Cultural heritage of Europe in the collections of the National Library of Russia
Vatican City
Gregorius Magnus. Homiliae in Ezechielem liber I. 8th c. France (Corbi). 159 ff., 262 x 188 mm, parchment. Lat. Q.v.I. 14. Fol. 48 v. – 49 r.: Homilies 5 and 6.
Alexander IV, Pope (1254 – 1261). Epistle to Konrad, archbishop of Cologne ordering him to grant to the Franciscan brothers of Cologne a lot of land where they could build their monastery. March 23, 1261. Lateran. 1 f., 197 x 237 mm, parchment. Hanging lead seal. Coll. 993. P.K. Suchtelen. Box 8. No. 1 r.