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Reference Literature

    In Russian Language

  • Vasilyeva O. V. «Odesskoe sobranie» Avraama Firkovicha // Vostochnyj sbornik / RNB. SPB., 2003. Vyp. 6. S. 12-35.
  • Vihnovich V. L. Karaim Avraam Firkovich: Hebrew Manuscripts, istorija, puteshestvija. SPb., 1997. (2-e izd. SPb., 2012).
  • Garkavi A. Ja., Strak G. M. O kollekcii vostochnyh rukopisej A. Firkovicha, nahodjashhihsja v Chufut-Kale // Zhurn. Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshhenija. 1875. â„– 3. S. 5–49.
  • Ornament drevneevrejskih rukopisej / RNB; sost. O.V. Vasil'eva, B.I. Zajkovskij i A.S. Kancedikas. M.; Tel' Aviv, 2003.
  • Otchet Imperatorskoj publichnoj biblioteki za 1858 g. SPb., 1859. S. 30–35.
  • Otchet Imperatorskoj publichnoj biblioteki za 1862 g. SPb., 1863. S. 14-17.
  • Otchet Imperatorskoj publichnoj biblioteki za 1863 g. SPb., 1864. S. 32-35.
  • Otchet Imperatorskoj publichnoj biblioteki za 1876 g. SPb., 1878. S. 8–25.
  • Otchet Imperatorskoj publichnoj biblioteki za 1899 g. SPb., 1903. S. 75–86.
  • Starkova K. B. Rukopisi kollekcii Firkovicha Gosudarstvennoj Publichnoj biblioteki im. M. E. Saltykova-Shhedrina // Pis'mennye pamjatniki Vostoka. 1970. M., 1974. S. 165–192.
  • Harviainen T. Kairskie genizy i drugie istochniki Vtorogo sobranija Firkovicha // Vostochnyj sbornik / RNB. SPb., 2003. Vyp. 6. S.70–76.
  • Jakerson S. M. Evrejskie sokrovishha Peterburga: scrolls, codices, dokumenty. SPb., 2008.

  • In European Languages

  • Beit-Arie M., Sirat C., Glatzer M. Codices hebraicis litteris exarati quo tempore scripti fuerint exhibentes. Brepols, 1997. T. 1: Jusqu’à 1020.
  • Gunzbourg D., Stassoff V. Ornementation des anciens manuscrits hébreux de la Bibliothèque impériale publique de St-Petersbourg. SPb., 1886
  • Harkavy A., Strack H. L. Katalog der hebräischen Bibelhandschriften der Kaiserlichen Öffentlichen Bibliothek in St. Petersburg. SPb; Leipzig, 1875.
  • Harviainen T. The Cairo genizot and other sources of the Second Firkovichcollection in St. Petersburg // Masoretic studies. The Society of Biblical literature: Scholars Press (USA), 1996. 8: Proceedings of the Twelfth congress of the International organization for masoretic studies 1995 / Ed. by E. J. Revell. P. 25–36.
  • Harviainen T. Abraham Firkovich// Karaite Judaism: a guide to its history and literary sources / Gen. ed. M. Polliack. Leiden; Boston: E. J. Brill, 2003. Р. 875–892. (Handbook of Oriental Studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik. Sect. 1: The Near and Middle East; Vol. 73).
  • The Leningrad codex: a facsimile edition / Gen. ed. D. N. Freedman. Grand Rapids (Mich.) a.o., 1998.
  • Vasilyeva O. V. Care and conservation of Hebrew manuscripts in the National Library of Russia: History, problems and questions // Care and conservation of manuscripts, 4: Proceedings of the 4th international seminar... Copenhagen: The Royal Library, 1999. P. 82–90, 169–171
  • Vasilyeva O. V. The Firkovich Odessa collection: the history of its acquisition and research, present condition and historical value // Studia Orientalia. Helsinki, 2003. â„– 95. P. 45–54.
  • Vasilyeva O. V. The Stasov–Ginzburg album and Antokolskii’s Megilla // Manuscripta orientalia. SPb, 2006. Vol. 12, N. 4, December. P. 3–13.