French Royal Bindings of the 17th-19th Centuries

Books with Royal Bookplates

Charles the Count of Artois (Charles X)

Charles X (1757-1836). The King of France and Navarre (1824-1830), grandson of Louis XV, son of Louis of France. Before the accession to the throne he was known as the Count of Artois. During the French Revolution, Charles left France and became the leader of the royalists in emigration and the heir to the throne of France. He succeeded his childless elder brother Louis XVIII to the throne as King Charles X of France in 1824. In 1830, he abdicated the crown during the July Revolution and again left the territory of France. Charles X spent the last month of his life and died in the town of Gorizia (then the Austrian Empire).


Vicq-d'Azyr, Félix (1748-1794).

Exposé des moyens curatifs & préservatifs qui peuvent être employés contre les maladies pestilentielles des bêtes à cornes. Divisé en trois parties. La première contient les moyens curatifs. On y compare les maladies des hommes avec celles des bestiaux. La seconde renferme les moyens préservatifs. La troisième comprend les ordres émanés du Gouvernement : on y a joint les principaux édits et règlemens de Pays-Bas, relativement à la maladie épizootique, et le mandement de Mgr l’archévêque de Toulouse, sur le même sujet. Publié par ordre du Roi. — Paris : chez Mérigot l’aîné, 1776.

8° (128 Ñ… 202 mm). A red marocain binding with gold embossing. Charles the Count of Artois (the future Charles X)'s super ex libris — the Count's coat of arms on the front and back covers (is established by: OHR, pl. 2550, no.7).

Shelf mark:

On the Cattle Plague On the Cattle Plague

The personal physician of Queen Marie-Antoinette, Félix Vicq d'Azyr (1748-1794), was a famous scientist, an anatomist, a member of the French Academy of Sciences (since 1774), the permanent secretary of the French Royal Medical Society. He made outstanding contributions to descriptive and comparative anatomy of animals, birds and fish; studied the structure of the brain and the nervous system of man. The title of the presented book can be translated as follows: The Presentation of Remedies and the Means of Prevention for the Cattle Plague.


Chamousset, Claude-Humbert Piarron de (1717-1773).

Œuvres de M. de Chamousset, contenant ses projets d'humanité, de bienfaisance et de patriotisme: Précédées de son Éloge, dans lequel on trouve une analyse suivie de ses ouvrages; par M. l'abbé Cotton Des-Houssayes, Docteur & ancien bibliothécaire de la maison & société de Sorbonne, chanoine de l'église métropolitaine de Rouen, membre de l'académie de la même ville, associé de celles de Lyon & de Caen. — A Paris : de l'imprimerie de Ph.-D. Pierres, 1783. — 2 vols.

8° (128 Ñ… 202 mm). A red marocain binding with gold embossing. Charles the Count of Artois (the future Charles X)'s super ex libris — the Count's coat of arms on the front and back covers (is established by: OHR, pl. 2550, no.6). The second volume carries Louis Joseph de France's super ex libris — the Dauphine's coat of arms on the front and back covers (is established by: OHR, pl. 2530, no.1).

Shelf mark:

Works by de Chamousset Works by de Chamousset Works by de Chamousset Works by de Chamousset

The first volume of the works by de Chamousset carries the super-exlibris of Charles Count d'Artois, the second volume of the same edition has the super ex libris of his nephew Louis Joseph de France, died at age of seven (1781-1789). It is not known how exactly these two volumes were connected with their two owners.

Claude Humbert Piarron de Chamousset (1717-1773) was a noted philanthropist of pre-revolutionary France, who devoted his life to improving society, he was the originator of numerous projects. Most of them now seem naive-utopian, but some were successfully implemented, for example, he established mutual benefit societies, hospitals for the poor, a new postal system. In the 19th century, the activities of de Chamousset and his associates was regarded as an unrealized alternative to a better organization of civil society.