
Copied, bound and illumintaed by Nikolayos. 412 ff., 138 x 98 mm, parchment, with numerous miniatures, illuminated headings and marginal decorations.Dorn. 631. Fol. 259 v. - 260 r.: Left page - miniature "Crucifiction".

Copied by Ilias. 196 ff., 125 x 85 mm, parchment, with many illuminated headings in the manner of the Cilician school. Arm.n.s. 60.Fol.78 v.-79r.

Letter to Platon, archbishop of Moscow and Kaluga, with expression of gratitude for the kind reception of Armenian archbishop Joseph Argutinsky by Catherine II. 1782. 1 f., 455 x 310 mm, paper, decoration in water-colour. Arm.n.s. 44.