
Works and translations. C. 1805. 362 ff., 318 x 230 mm, paper.
Pogodin. 1204. Fol. 5 v. - 6 r.: Sophronius. Autoportrait and autograph.
Sophronius was a famous Bulgarian enlightener, follower of Paisius of Khilandar
(c. 1722-1773) who had laid the basis for the spiritual and cultural renaissance of Bulgaria.
Sophronius of Vrachan played a very important role as a developer of the national literary language
having restored book-printing in Bulgarian.

Mid. 14th and early 15th c. [Tyrnovo]. 349 ff., 292 x 200 mm, paper.
Pogodin. 1054. Fol. 2 v. - 3 r.
Miniature representing St. John Klimax with the Heavenly Ladder of Monastic Virtues.
The figures of monks in the left part of the miniature were added towards the very end of the 15th c.