
Vol. I - 196 ff., vol. II - 134 ff., 310 x 225 mm, parchment, 16 miniatures, 3 historiated and 17 decorated initials. Fr. F.v.IV. 5/2. Fol. 115 v. - 116 r.: Initial E in fol. 115 v. includes the picture of Alice, Queen of Cyprus and regent of the Latin Empire, during the parley in Acre in 1229.
The work is the French paraphrase of the chronicle by Wilhelm, archbishop of Tyr, containing the history of the Crusades and Crusader states in the Near East.

271 ff., 200 x 150 mm, paper; illuminated headings and initials.
Cursive script. Sof. 1312. Fol. 1 v. - 2 r.: According to the inscription on fol. 1 v. the manuscript was written in Cyprus.
It is an intersting fact that the manuscript had been kept in the library of St. Sophia cathedral in Novgorod, one of the most significant book depositaries of the medieval Russia, until 1859, when its entire collection was transferred to St.Petersburg Theological Academy.
In 1919 the Academy`s collections were given to the Public Library (presently National Library of Russia).