Czech Republic

95 ff., 270 x 187 mm, parchment, initials. Czech. F.v.I. 1. Fol. 1 r.: First page of this copy is decorated with the initial D and an elegant border of floral patterns.
St. Bridget of Sweden (c.1303 – 1373) is the founder of the monastic order bearing her name. The order was spread in the Northern and Central Europe; in the 14th and 15th centuries the Revelation was widely copied and translated into the national languages.

Sermones. 1411. Czechia. 18 ff., 225 x 158 mm, paper. Lat. Q.I. 181. Fol. 1 r.: In this folio one can find the date of the copy “Anno domini M CCCC XI” and the autograph signature of Hus “M. J. H.”
Five folios of this manuscript bear the autograph signatures of Hus mentioning also his scholarly degree of magister.