Republic of Macedonia

Skoplje: Izd. Vlade Kosticha, [between 1904 and 1934].
Chromo-photolithography; 90 x 140 mm.
РОТ 75/1-443, Ðот 64459.

F.n.I. 102. Fol. 157 v. - 158 r.: The inscription in fol. 157 v. mentions the village of Orbele in Macedonia where the manuscript was found by the scholar S.I. Verkovich.
The manuscript is written in two columns with the ustav script. It is decorated with many headbans and initials in the South-Slavic and Balkan styles.

Skoplje: Izd. Vlade Kosticha, [between 1904 and 1939].
Phototype; 90 x 140 mm. РОТ75/1-С443, Ðот 64460.