
148 ff., 115 x 84 mm, paper, with numerous miniatures, drawings and coats of arms. Germ. O.XVII. 15. Fol. 3 v. - 4 r.
This album belonged to the Maltese knight Georg von Platen. It consists of the printed book (Andreas Alciatus. Omnia emblemata. Lugduni, 1566) with many added blanc folios on which the owner`s friends have left their notes. On the pages of this album there are autographs of the Maltese order`s magister Iohannes Lewesque de la Cassire and knights Reimbach von Arssberk and Wilhelm von Loeben.

2 ff., 342 x 195 mm. Coll. 993. P. K. Suchtelen. Inv. 3. Box 7. No. 295
Emmanuel de Rohan was the 70th Grandmaster of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and Malta.

2 ff., 307 x 205 mm, paper. Coll. 755. A.V. Suvorov. No. 2. Fol. 96 r.