
The scribe, Thoma Logophet, on fol. 306 v. has left a note informing that he was working on the manuscript during the reign of "voevoda and gospodar of the Moldavian land" Ioann Piotr, and donated the book to the monastery in Dobrovets.

196 ff., 360 x 216 mm, paper. NSRK. F. 612. Fol. 1 v. - 2 r.: Portrait of Paisiy Velichkovskiy (1772 - 1794), archimandrite of the Nyametsk monastery in Moldova, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988.

A.M./1704 A.D. 6 ff., 377 x 264 mm, paper. New series of autographs. No 17/43. Fol. 1 r.