
Vol. 1 – 252 ff., vol. 2 – 273 ff., 315 x 200 mm, paper. Pogodin. 2020/1-2. Vol. 1, fol. 190 v.; vol. 2, fol. 118 r.
The chronicle was compiled by the retired officer of the General chancellery of Malorossia, on the basis of both his own memories and contemporary publications, such as works of German and Polish historians, Polish chronicles, as well as a number of original Malorossian documents.

19th c. 1 f., 237 Ñ… 200 mm, paper. Coll. 816. N.F. Findeisen. No. 560.

1 f., 120 x 100 mm. Coll. 179. N.V. Gerbel. No. 12. Fol. 281.