Ethiopian Manuscripts in the National Library of Russia

Reference Literature

  1. Dorn B. Catalogue des Manuscrits et Xylographes Orientaux dela Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Pétersbourg. St. Pétrsbourg, 1852.
  2. Dorn B. Ueber die aethiopischen Handschriften der öffentlichen Kaiserlichen Bibliothek zu St.-Petersburg (lu le 26 octobre 1837) // Bulletin scientifique publié par l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg. SPb.; Leipzig, 1838. T 3. Сol. 145-151
  3. Kokovtsov P.K. Zametka ob efiopskih rukopisyah Imperatorskoy S.-Peterburgskoy Publichnoy biblioteki (Short Сommentary on Ethiopian Manuscripts of the Imperial St. Petersburg Public Library) // Proceeding of the Eastern Branch of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society, St. Petersburg, 1889. Vol. 4. Pp. 106-111.
  4. Brief Report of the Manuscripts Department for 1914-1938 with an introductory historical essay / edited by T.K. Uhmylovoy, V.G. Gaiman. Leningrad, 1940.
  5. New Acquisitions of the Manuscripts Department of the NLR (1994-2000), Catalogue. Part 2. Compiled by L.S. Georgieva. St. Petersburg., 2004. Pp. 234-235.
  6. V.M. Platonov. Zametki ob efiopskih rukopisyah. (Notes on Ethiopian manuscripts of SPL) I: Five Undescribed Ethiopian Manuscripts of the SPL // Oriental Collected Articles [SPL]. Leningrad, 1990. Issue 4. Pp. 80-84.
  7. V.M. Platonov. Pereplety efiopskih rukopisey i ih hudozhestvennoe oformlenie (Bindings of Ethiopian manuscripts and their Decoration)( using materials of the manuscripts collections of St. Petersburg // Oriental Collected Articles [NLR]. St. Petersburg., 2003. Вып. 6. Pp. 207-239.
  8. V.M. Platonov. Efiopskiy sinaksar na pervuyu polovinu goda (Ethiopian Synaxarion for the First Half of the Year) (Eaf. n. s. 23) as a source on the history of Ethiopia // Oriental Collected Articles [SPL]. St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg. 1993. Issue. 5. Pp. 156-179.
  9. V.M. Platonov. Efiopskie rukopisi v sobraniyah Sankt-Peterburga (Ethiopian Manuscripts in the Collections of Saint Petersburg). Catalogue. St. Petersburg., 1996.
  10. V.M. Platonov, A.A. Tkachenko А.А. Efiopskaya gimnografiya (Ethiopian Hymnography)- part of the article «Hymnography» // Orthodox Encyclopedia. Georgy-Gomar; Moscow, 2006. Vol. 11. P. 510.
  11. V.M. Platonov, S.B. Tchernetsov. Efiopskaya rukopisnaya kniga (Ethiopian Manuscript Book) // Handwritten Book in the Culture of the East. Book 1. Moscow. 1987. Pp. 201-240. (Series «Culture of the East. Materials and Research»).
  12. B.A. Turaev. Pamyatniki efiopskoj pis'mennosti (Ancient Ethiopian Written Records) III. Ethiopian Manuscripts in St.-Petersburg. Vol. 3, St. Petersburg, 1906.