Ethiopian Manuscripts in the National Library of Russia
Reference Literature
- Dorn B. Catalogue des Manuscrits et Xylographes Orientaux dela Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Pétersbourg. St. Pétrsbourg, 1852.
- Dorn B. Ueber die aethiopischen Handschriften der öffentlichen Kaiserlichen Bibliothek zu St.-Petersburg (lu le 26 octobre 1837) // Bulletin scientifique publié par l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg. SPb.; Leipzig, 1838. T 3. Сol. 145-151
- Kokovtsov P.K. Zametka ob efiopskih rukopisyah Imperatorskoy S.-Peterburgskoy Publichnoy biblioteki (Short Сommentary on Ethiopian Manuscripts of the Imperial St. Petersburg Public Library) // Proceeding of the Eastern Branch of the Imperial Russian Archaeological Society, St. Petersburg, 1889. Vol. 4. Pp. 106-111.
- Brief Report of the Manuscripts Department for 1914-1938 with an introductory historical essay / edited by T.K. Uhmylovoy, V.G. Gaiman. Leningrad, 1940.
- New Acquisitions of the Manuscripts Department of the NLR (1994-2000), Catalogue. Part 2. Compiled by L.S. Georgieva. St. Petersburg., 2004. Pp. 234-235.
- V.M. Platonov. Zametki ob efiopskih rukopisyah. (Notes on Ethiopian manuscripts of SPL) I: Five Undescribed Ethiopian Manuscripts of the SPL // Oriental Collected Articles [SPL]. Leningrad, 1990. Issue 4. Pp. 80-84.
- V.M. Platonov. Pereplety efiopskih rukopisey i ih hudozhestvennoe oformlenie (Bindings of Ethiopian manuscripts and their Decoration)( using materials of the manuscripts collections of St. Petersburg // Oriental Collected Articles [NLR]. St. Petersburg., 2003. Вып. 6. Pp. 207-239.
- V.M. Platonov. Efiopskiy sinaksar na pervuyu polovinu goda (Ethiopian Synaxarion for the First Half of the Year) (Eaf. n. s. 23) as a source on the history of Ethiopia // Oriental Collected Articles [SPL]. St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg. 1993. Issue. 5. Pp. 156-179.
- V.M. Platonov. Efiopskie rukopisi v sobraniyah Sankt-Peterburga (Ethiopian Manuscripts in the Collections of Saint Petersburg). Catalogue. St. Petersburg., 1996.
- V.M. Platonov, A.A. Tkachenko А.А. Efiopskaya gimnografiya (Ethiopian Hymnography)- part of the article «Hymnography» // Orthodox Encyclopedia. Georgy-Gomar; Moscow, 2006. Vol. 11. P. 510.
- V.M. Platonov, S.B. Tchernetsov. Efiopskaya rukopisnaya kniga (Ethiopian Manuscript Book) // Handwritten Book in the Culture of the East. Book 1. Moscow. 1987. Pp. 201-240. (Series «Culture of the East. Materials and Research»).
- B.A. Turaev. Pamyatniki efiopskoj pis'mennosti (Ancient Ethiopian Written Records) III. Ethiopian Manuscripts in St.-Petersburg. Vol. 3, St. Petersburg, 1906.